We’ve moved to The City School’s Fairmount Campus at 860 N.24th St (between Parrish and Poplar)!
Our Sunday morning gatherings are the central way that we are spiritually connected and nourished together as a church family. We get our word “worship” from a contraction of an old-English word: “worth-ship”. Worship is the process by which we call things worthy or valuable. Broadly speaking, all of life is a process of worshipping something; of saying to ourselves and others, “this matters". But as Christians we reserve our ultimate worship for God because he is supremely valuable. All of the worship at Liberti Fairmount is designed to focus our minds and hearts around the person of Jesus Christ. We do this through a mixture of singing, confession, prayer, the reading and exposition of Scripture, offering, creed, and the Lord’s Supper.