Liberti Church Fairmount is the first congregation of the Liberti Communion of Churches and is also a congregation of the PCA.
Liberti Fairmount Playbook
(Updated August 2024)
1. Why Do We Exist?
(underlying reason for being Liberti Fairmount; our core purpose)
We exist to live out the freedom we have in Jesus Christ and to offer that freedom to others.
Listen to a sermon on freedom in Christ here
2. How Do We Respond to the Freedom that We Have?
(the ultimate guide for behavior at all levels of involvement at Liberti Fairmount; principles that guide our behaviors and decisions over time)
Existing Values
(a few -just two or three- behavioral traits that are already inherent in Liberti Fairmount)
We are free in Christ to be…
1) Hospitable - we are hospitable to each other and welcoming those who have yet to embrace Christianity but are willing to have their questions, doubts, and struggles both honored and addressed.
2) Communal - we cultivate community where people are called to see themselves and each other not as consumers of “church" but as present members in the body of Christ.
3) Encouraging - we encourage one another in our lives and faith
Aspirational Values
(characteristics that Liberti Fairmount wants to have, wishes it already had, and believes it must develop)
We aspire in our freedom in Christ to be…
Honest - we admit that we are broken in our faith and depend on the Lord through His People
Bold - we admit that we are set aside for God and are unafraid to live life in a manner worthy of Him.
Discerning - we challenge one another to grow in our faith
Cultural Values
(the minimum standards that are required in Liberti Fairmount)
Our freedom in Christ means...
Participation - we contribute to the life of the church with our time, talent, and treasure.
Balance - we are casual but intentionally engaged
Diversity - we are comfortable in relationships across different life stages.
Liturgy - we narrate the movements of the Gospel and benefit from the riches of historic Christian worship
(that we are) Winsomely Reformed - we are led by pastors and elders that embrace the Reformed articulation of the Christian faith while seeking to live with humility and gratitude as we learn from other faithful traditions in the body of Christ.
Accidental Values
(traits that are evident in Liberti Fairmount, but have come about unintentionally and are not necessarily good for the church; behavioral tendencies that have developed over time because of history, or because staff with a similar background have been hired, etc.)
Lack of punctuality - we are late to everything
Listen to a sermon on our values here
3. What we do
(a clear and straightforward answer to “what?”)
We worship God, live in community throughout the week, and serve neighbors in need.
(“Live, speak, and serve as the very presence of Jesus”)
Listen to a sermon on what we do here
4. How will we succeed?
Strategy, or simply put, Liberti Fairmount’s plan for success; a collection of intentional decisions the elders make to give the church the best chance to thrive; every single decision, if it is made intentionally and consistently, will be part of the overall strategy.
Strategic Anchors:
Boil down the plan for success to two strategic anchors that will be used to inform every decision the church makes and provide the filter or lens through which decisions must be evaluate to ensure consistency; provide the context for all decision making.
Long Term Anchor: God’s Presence - God fills us fully with his presence and we are built up, encouraged, consoled, with anyone joining us able to declare that is really among us.
Ephesians 3:19…that you may be filled with all the fullness of God
1 Cor 14:3-4, 12, 24-25 … 3 ...the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation. 4 ...the one who prophesies builds up the church... 12 So with yourselves, since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church...24 …if all prophesy, and an unbeliever or outsider enters, he is convicted by all, he is called to account by all, 25 the secrets of his heart are disclosed, and so, falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you.
Key Result: God Is Tangibly Present In Our Lives, Both Individually And Corporately.
We, along with others from our neighborhood community, regularly experience God’s presence and love, both corporately as well as individually; we are built up, encouraged, and consoled by the Holy Spirit. We are a community where anyone joining us is able to declare that “God is really among you.”
Short-term Anchor: Invitation - we develop a culture of invitation through using our gifts well together
Romans 12:6-8 6 Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; 7 if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; 8 the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.
Key Result: We are stronger using our distinct and complementary gifts together as a body, than we are as separate individuals trying to do too much, so that we take joy in the ways in which we serve, and it is easy for current members, attendees, and visitors to participate by also using their gifts for the Lord in our neighborhoods.
Listen to a sermon on how we will succeed here
5. What is most important now?
(For Liberti Fairmount to create a sense of alignment and focus, it must have a single top priority within a given period of time; for something to be the top priority, it has to be more important than everything else; even if there are multiple big priorities, ultimately one of those has to be at the very top.)
Top Priority: Reassembling The Diaconate
Meeting Basic Needs - Pursuing Shalom Personally, Locally, and Regionally
Water (sermon)
Shelter (sermon)
Homeless: Office Of Homeless Services
Home Owner: Tangle Title Fund
Waste (sermon)
Health (sermon)
Mental & Emotional
Counseling - Financially Supplementing based on need
Spirit (sermon)
Community (sermon)
Alpha Care Pregnancy - support materials
Cf. Michael Black and Phil Smoker
Volunteer opportunity in December to distribute basic need items during the month
Joshua Marsh - send Sheet of Details
Middle School
High School
Wheel Chair Bound member
Ride to and from church arranged through Uber Wav
Justice (sermon)
Livelihood (sermon)
Small Things Philly: Forklift Certification Course
Food (sermon)
Energy (sermon)
Basic Systems Repair (electrical, plumbing, heating)
LIHEAP (Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
BenePhilly (assistance with heat and other utilities)
Cooling Centers (for hot summer months)
Heating Centers (for cold winter months)
Listen to a sermon on what is most important now here.
6. Who is doing what?
Worshiping God
Before Sunday Worship
Setup Team - Scott Baber
Open Church, Playground, and Locked Storage Closet
Ensure volunteers are scheduled, setup chairs, curtain divider, signs, roll out music storage cabinets and gear, hospitality cart, Liberti Kids check-in station and classrooms
Order Uber Wave for Mike and assist with wheelchair entry
Preaching, Teaching, Liturgy - Scott Crosby
Prepare sermon, liturgy and notes for liturgists, finalize slides for worship, recording equipment ready capture the service; develop teaching notes for slides; prepare one page outline of teaching notes for person advancing the slides during service
Get announcements and teaching notes to Samantha for Slides
Music - Josh Marsh
Gather musicians, select songs and update slides, rehearse musicians, setup music gear.
Call time Sunday Morning 8:00 am
Rehearsal 8:30-9:30
Liberti Kids - Samantha Kuiper
Gather volunteer leaders for each of the classes, organize yearly scope and sequence for curriculum and distribute lesson guides and materials ahead of time, train setup team on setting up the check-in station and each classroom, obtain and monitor volunteer safety clearances, communicate updates and the Big Ideas of our lessons with parents and volunteers
Liberti Youth - Samantha Kuiper
Coordinate with Scott for sermon notes and create a youth-friendly notetaking guide for the sermon
Gather volunteers and distribute materials and lesson guides for a once a month gathering during the Sunday service
Communicate with volunteers and families about any upcoming events for the youth outside of Sunday morning
Hospitality - Diana Smith
Gather volunteers, including greeters, coffee station baristas, and others to help setup.
Prepare communion supplies for the service and set out
Gather particularly gifted people to welcome newcomers and get their information so that we can reach out to greet and welcome them directly
During Sunday Worship
Setup Team - Scott Baber
Setup more chairs, as needed (e.g., the room should always have at least 20% more room to welcome others)
Preaching, Teaching, Liturgy - Scott Crosby
Preach the Word, Officiate Lord’s Supper
Elder or other member assigned to distribute the bread and cup
Music - Josh Marsh
Lead Musicians and Congregation in Responsive Praise through Music
Liberti Kids - Samantha Kuiper
Liberti Kids Classes Conducted By Volunteers
Check-in station manned and providing a welcoming and safe environment for our kids
Liberti Youth - Samantha Kuiper
Once monthly gathering conducted by volunteers
Guide opportunities for youth to serve in the church during the service
Provide note taking sheets for youth who are attending the service
Hospitality - Diana Smith
Coffee Served, Newcomers greeted and information gathered for future follow up and contact
After Sunday Worship
Setup Team - Scott Baber
Close Church, Lock Playground, and Storage Closet
Gather volunteers from among the congregation to tear down chairs, take down and store curtain divider, signs, roll music storage cabinets and gear into closets, hospitality cart into the kitchen
Order Uber Wave for Mike and assist with wheelchair exit
Preaching, Teaching, Liturgy - Scott Crosby
Edit recordings of service and upload, along with weekly announcements; send links through Slack and Email; update website with most recent video, and overview of the next week
Music - Josh Marsh
The weeks musicians clean up music gear
Music review (roses & thorns)
Liberti Kids - Samantha Kuiper
Checkout Liberti Kids, breakdown check-in station, breakdown each classroom and return to original state for teachers at City School, store equipment for following week in storage closet
Liberti Youth - Samantha Kuiper
Return any used classroom to original state for teachers at the City School
Hospitality - Diana Smith
Gather volunteers, including greeters, coffee station baristas, and others to help tear down.
Pack up communion supplies from the service and store
Collect information gathered from newcomers and reach out to greet and welcome them directly, invite to a group throughout the week
Living in community throughout the week
Before, During, and After Living In Community Throughout The Week
Group Life in 2024-2025
Consistent Groups
Monday 6-8PM - Sermon Passage Study
Tuesday 6-8PM - Matthew Study
Friday 7-9PM - Practicing The Way Study
Cherry Hill, NJ
Wednesday 6-8PM Sermon Passage Study
6:8 Youth before church
Intermittent Groups
Men’s Fire Nights
First Fridays - Brewerytown and Audubon, N.J.
Women’s Retreat Oct 25th-27th
dads, kids, and other guys are camping that weekend
Serving neighbors in need
Before, During, and After Serving Neighbors In Need
Deacons (reassemble a Diaconate)
Meeting Basic Needs - Pursuing Shalom Personally, Locally, and Regionally
Water (sermon)
Shelter (sermon)
Homeless: Office Of Homeless Services
Home Owner: Tangle Title Fund
Waste (sermon)
Health (sermon)
Mental & Emotional
Diaconate assistance with counseling cost
Spirit (sermon)
Community (sermon)
Middle School
High School
Justice (sermon)
Livelihood (sermon)
Small Things Philly: Forklift Certification Course
Food (sermon)
Energy (sermon)
Basic Systems Repair (electrical, plumbing, heating)
LIHEAP (Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program
BenePhilly (assistance with heat and other utilities)
Cooling Centers (for hot summer months)
Heating Centers (for cold winter months)