This fall, we are launching Sunday night discipleship groups for Men and Women.
These are intimate, studies, with the goal of intense spiritual growth and deeper relationships with one another.
Men’s Discipleship Group- 7:30 pm
Renovation of the Heart
13 week study
Spiritual transformation in Christ is the process leading to a renovated heart and a transformed spirit, and its result is love of God with all of the heart soul, mind, and strength, and of the neighbor as oneself. Together, as men, we will seek to build a foundation for understanding our ruin and restoration as men, by discussing our nature and its components, how those components operate, and how they are renewed. We will wrestle with common misunderstandings about our nature as men, and the discipleship process. We will come to understand the general pattern of personal transformation--not as a formula, but as a systematic process that we have the responsibility to undertake as intentional apprentices of Jesus. Only then will our transformation as men of the kingdom and sons in God’s family be accomplished, through interaction with the grace of God in Christ, the presence of the Holy Spirit, and spiritual treasures stored in the body of Christ.
Women’s Discipleship Group- 7:30 pm
Breaking Free
11 week study
Through this study on the Book of Isaiah, you’ll identify hidden areas of spiritual bondage in your life, and find the freedom we have in Christ. You will see how God intends for you to know and believe Him, glorify Him, experience His peace, and enjoy His presence. Learn to speak God’s promises to yourself, while also building relationships of encouragement and accountability with other women.